The Digit-al Dozen Does Books - Day Three

Thursday, 14 March 2019

I'm back for Day Three of the Digit-al Dozen Does Books.  Woohoo!  Funny story, I pulled out a bunch of my stamping plates that were book related like the Uberchic Beauty Fairytale plates, a mermaid plate but for some strange reason they just weren't giving me any ideas of what to do on my nails.  But then I had a thought - who actually said that "books" needed to be something that you read?  No one.  So for today's mani I did note book nails.  

For my base I used Emily de Molly Bright Retreat and stamped using Maniology's Quasar and Astronomical.  Images are from Lina Nail Art Supplies Feeling Shapely 01.

I really need to practice stamping straight lines.  Having such a massive curve in my nails doesn't help either.  

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