The Digit-al Dozen Does Books - Day Five

Saturday, 16 March 2019

It's the final day of The Digit-al Dozen Does Books.  As much as I was dreading this week, I think it has been a little bit fun.  More so this end half of the week.  Once I got out of thinking I had to do a book that you read, it really opened up some other ideas.  Like today - today I have done a colouring in book.  More specifically an adult colouring book.

For my base I used Emily de Molly Bright Retreat (is that a surprise to anyone?  I go through about a million bottles of this stuff) and stamped using Powder Perfect's Black Stamping Polish.  All of the images are from Uberchic Beauty's Radiate Love.  I couldn't really pick which images I wanted to use so I used picked a row and used them all.

That brings us to the end of the Digit-al Dozen Does Books!  I am so happy I managed to complete it.  Now to start worrying about the next Digit-al Dozen theme.  Ekk.

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