The Digit-al Dozen Does Books - Day One

Monday, 11 March 2019

It's Digit-al Dozen week again and I'll be honest - I am dreading this week's book theme.  It is definitely one of my least favourite themes that we have this year.  But it is a challenge that I am going to take on for the full five days.  Who knows how well this is going to go.  I guess we will find out together.

There is a little bit of a story behind today's mani.  It was late at night and I needed something that was quick to put on my nails (ie something that requires one coat and dries quick) so that I didn't have naked nails the next day.  Roll on the next night as I sat down to think of what the hell to do for today's mani.  Black nails = Little Black Book.  Yep.  Nice and easy and ticks the box for the book theme.  Given little black books are meant to be secretive I thought it would be fun to do a matte base with shiny stamping.  I do like how this mani came out.  For my base I used Emily de Molly Fade Into Black (which I topped with Picture Polish G'day Matte) and stamped using Powder Perfect's Black Stamping Polish.  

I've survived Day One.  Woohoo!  The other girls definitely will have some amazing manis this week so I highly recommend checking them out if you haven't already.

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