I can't get over how quickly this year has gone. But as we are nearing the end of the year, we are also nearing the end of my favourites posts for 2019. This is both a good thing (mainly because I don't have to narrow down any more favourites - but they are great to look back on) and a bad thing (I kinda like doing favourite posts. They are a little fun to do). Anyway, today I have rounded up my favourite stamping plates and polishes from 2019.
This year has seen a limited amount of nail art (mainly due to a lack of time) but I still did get to play with quite a few new (or perhaps new to me) stamping plates which is always fun. Like with all of my other posts these really aren't in any particular order.
Moyra Nail Stamping
This is a new to me brand for 2019 and I am so impressed with the quality of the plates and the designs. When I placed my order I really struggled to narrow down which plates to grab. I ended up grabbing three plates and they are all definite favourites of mine.
Moyra Colour Book Stamping Plate
There are so many different was to use this plate. It's really like an adult colouring book or you can just leave the designs simple.
Image from Moyra |
Moyra Nature Stamping Plate
This plate has some seriously awesome designs. I love that it does have the nature aspect to it but it's not your traditional leaves and flowers etc.
Image from Moyra |
Moyra Stained Glass Stamping Plate
Now I know there are a few stamping plates that have taken on the whole stained glass idea (I don't know who actually started it) but Moyra was the first one I saw and I love it! I think the designs are gorgeous and they make for some awesome lead lighting manis.
Image from Moyra |
Uberchic Beauty
Hands down Uberchic are my favourite stamping plate brand. They bring out new plates (and other products on a regular basis) that are full of great designs and they are are great quality. I mean, what more can you ask for?
Uberchic 28.01 Stamping Plate
While the entire plate itself isn't necessarily a favourite there are a few images that I love, love, LOVE! Like the zig zag with the floral image. It's so good! I actually want it back on my nails now.
Image from Uberchic |
Uberchic Art Deco Elegance
Last year I had the other two Art Deco plates in my end of year favourites and I couldn't not have the latest edition in this years favourite. I love the designs on this plate and it makes for some awesome manis.
Image from Uberchic |
Uberchic Cold Blooded Stamping Plate
I've been really liking animal print this year. I don't know why but I am and this plate speaks to me. The designs are fantastic and it makes from some great manis.
Image from Uberchic |
Uberchic Cultural Harmony Stamping Plate
This is another plate that comes as part of a series and I love them all. I think the images are so cool. It's one of those plates that I mani ideas just jump out to me.
Image from Uberchic |
Uberchic Lovely Leaves 04 Stamping Plate
There are some really stunning images on this plate! It's a plate that as soon as I saw it I was excited to start playing. I have also seen a lot of amazing manis done using this plate.
Image from Uberchic |
Uberchic Nice & Negative Stamping Plate
Negative space images are definitely one of my favourite types of images to use so if you put them all on the same plate it's instant love for me.
Image from Uberchic |
Uberchic Warm Blooded Stamping Plate
I love that Uberchic provided us with both a cold blooded and warm blooded stamping plate options. I can't decide which of the plates that I like better so both are going into my favourites.
Image from Uberchic |
Hands down my favourite stamping polish brand is Hit The Bottle. Not only does she have a HUGE range of colours and finishes but they stamp beautifully each and every time. I also discovered Moyra Foil Stamping Polish which I still need some practice with but one day I will master foils.
Hit The Bottle I Like To Mauve It, Mauve It
Hit The Bottle Magenta At Your Own Risk
Hit The Bottle Start The Day With Bubbly
Moyra Silver Foil Stamping Polish
As I mentioned early, I am far from perfect with using foils but the stamping polish itself is awesome. I definitely need to play with these and foils some more. It's something that I would love to master. If you have any magic tricks to help me then let me know. I need all the help I can get.
That brings me to the end of today's post. You now know what I have been loving this year in terms of polish collections, indie and mainstream polishes, and now all things stamping. Tomorrow brings my final blog post for 2019 - my favourite nail art. This is another tough lot of favourites to narrow down. Wish me luck!