
Saturday 18 November 2017

Nail Crazies Unite: Stamping With A Flakie Base

I have been making a huge mess in my polish area and it has been driving me nuts.  There are a couple of reasons why my area has been a mess - 1) I have been swatching like a mad woman lately and haven't really stopped to put the polishes and plates away and 2) my polish drawers were long overdue to be sorted so I could fit the new things in.  Well, I finally got around to putting everything away and reorganizing the drawers.  Yay!  You may be wondering why I am sharing this random information with you.  Whilst I was re-arranging I stumbled across the gorgeous Emily de Molly Insipid and I just knew that I had to wear it again.  Luckily today's Nail Crazies Unite theme is stamping with a flakie base. 

For my base I sponged on Emily de Molly's Insipid and stamped using Powder Perfect's Black Stamping Polish.  Image is from Uberchic 21-01.

I love flakie polishes.  I am definitely looking forward to seeing all the pretty flakie manis this week.


  1. Oooo All-flakie nails! So very pretty. :D

    1. Thanks Lisa. You can never go wrong with flakies <3
