
Tuesday 11 July 2017

The Digital Dozen Does 5 Days 5 Continents: Europe

One thing that you may not know about me is I mainly paint my nails at night (I do on occasion paint my nails during the day - eg when swatching holos) but for the most part it's at night time.  While this is usually a good thing, there are times where I shouldn't do my nails.  Like when I did the mani for today's post.  It was super late and it was a loooong day but for some strange reason I thought it was a great idea to keep my Union Jack nail from yesterday's post and then free hand three more flags from Europe.  Well as you can tell this was definitely not a good idea so I do apologize if I have butchered your flag.

Flags (in case you can't recognize them) from left to right are France, United Kingdom, Russia and Iceland.  Polishes used are OPI Dating A Royal, Got The Mean Reds and Mundo de Unas White.

There is only one picture of this mani because....well I don't think I really need to explain one. I promise I will go back to stamping for tomorrow's mani.


  1. I also paint at night (mainly) and therefore it's hard to capture holos as I never think to do them in the day. I think you did a great jobs with these flags, no one has time for a bunch of striping tape & all that waiting around for layers to dry :)
    Vicky x

    1. Yay for another night time painter! I sometimes will paint my nails with a holo at night and take the pictures the next day if there is meant to be sun. Nothing beats sunshine for a holo in my opinion.

      Thank you. I think dealing with striping tape would have taken me way too long and I probably would have botched it up anyway lol

  2. Loving the theme you've gone with here

  3. Great idea. ats off to them who all do freehand, its really not possible for me.

    1. Thanks Uma. Yeah I am not really one to do freehand but its kinda fun to give it a go every now and again.

  4. I just realized I didn't hit Europe on my continental travels via nails. I do love that you used flags. It shows a connection between the countries. :)

    1. It's ok. I never hit America on my travels. Somewhere was bound to be missed by all of us. I actually found it really interesting looking at all of the European flags. Who would have thought that doing nail art could be educational as well

  5. This looks lovely too! That was so smart to repurpose part of your other manicure!

    1. Thanks Marisa. Sometimes a little cheating is ok lol
