
Friday 17 February 2017

The Digit-al Dozen Does Black: The Mani The Nearly Didn't Happen

TGIF!  I can not even begin to tell you how happy I am that I finally managed to get a mani for today's post.  This mani took me four attempts and three different bottles of matte top coat.  Why I hear you ask?  Well let me break it down for you.

Mani attempt number one:  I had to do two attempts at applying Emily de Molly's Black Sheer Tint because it didn't look even across all of my nails (some looked a lot darker than the others).  Then I had a nice glossy photo but it did not photograph well at all.  That's ok, add a matte top coat.  I added OPI's Matte Top Coat and I ended up with white bits all over my nails. 

Mani attempt number two:  basically it was a repeat of the above (minus the issues with the tint) but with a terrible french tips.  Ahh!  Complain to Margaret (@loveslacquer on Instagram - definitely check her out if you haven't) about the matte top coat and she suggested using the Sally Hansen Big Matte.  Awesome, a trip to the shops for me.  Two stores were sold out of it but luckily I found one in the third store.

Mani attempt number three:  Apply the base, stamping and french tips nicely an apply the Sally Hansen Big Matte and OMG!  Pure white stripes all over my nails.  I've tried it a few times on different things at different days with different weather temperatures.  I think I have a faulty bottle.  Decide I am going to quit and not have a mani for today.

Final mani attempt: After I got over my frustration of the whole matte top coat issues I started to try and think of some other ideas for a mani for today, but honestly I kept coming back to my original idea.  Luckily for me I remembered that I still had Powder Perfect's Matte Top Coat so I grabbed that and hoped that this would be the last time at doing this mani.  Well it worked!  I couldn't be happier.

For my base I used Emily de Molly's Black Sheer Tint, then I stamped the image from Lina Nail Art Supplies Feeling Shapely 06 stamping plate with Powder Perfect's Black Stamping Polish.  I freehanded the french tips using Pretty Serious Cosmetics Absence and then topped it all with Powder Perfect's Matte Top Coat.

I hope you have enjoyed my black manis this week.  They are definitely a lot different than my usual manis.  Now bring on some colour!!!


  1. Although this mani was hard work to create, it's gorgeous and I'm so pleased you didn't give up. I'm not usually a fan of all black manis but yours this week have changed my mind!
    Vicky xx

    1. Thanks Vicky. I would definitely say that this is one of the most frustrating manis I have ever done. It is nice though. I like black manis every now and again but 5 days straight was a bit of an overkill for me. I like my colours too much lol

  2. Sorry you had such a bad go ! It is beautiful though
