
Tuesday 15 November 2016

The Digit-al Dozen Does Colour Contrast: Day Two Blue & Orange

You may have read the title of this post and thought "blue and orange aren't contrasting colours".  Well yes you would be correct in thinking that.  They are in fact complimentary colours.  But in my defense here I am horrible when it comes to colour theory.  I actually nearly failed all my art classes in high school because I am that terrible at anything arty.  My art teachers would laugh if they knew that I do nail art now.  Anyway, while blue and orange are complimentary colours I did use a neon polish and a dark polish which are contrasting so it kinda works out still....well I think so anyway.

Polishes used for this mani are China Glaze None Of Your Risky Business and One Tracked Mind.  I then used Xroma Polish & Vinyls Cyclone Vinyls (I will be reviewing a heap of their new vinyls in the coming weeks/months so keep your eyes peeled for those posts).

I do like blue and orange together.   Probably a combination I should do a little more often that what I do.  What are some other colour combinations you like but don't do often?  Let me know.  I could always do with some more colour inspirations.

Don't forget to check out the other talented ladies and their manis.


  1. I have orange and blue too today, but yours is SO MUCH BETTER! I am in love!

    1. Yay for being blue and orange twins! I don't know what you are talking about though. Your mani is awesome!

  2. Looks great I will have to try vinyls they look cool I think a great combination I contrast would be orange and green or pink and orange ��

    1. Thanks Saz. There are some great vinyls around. I actually have a pink and orange mani for Day 3 ;)

  3. I think these are contrast-y! The neon against the darker blue is lovely!

    1. Thanks Marisa. I do like the contrast between the neon and dark blue.

  4. Ok that orange is such a nice orange and I'm not an orange fan! LOL!! It just looks so nice and cremey! Bet its good for gradation!!??

    1. I'm not normally an orange fan but I do like this one. It's more a three coater than two so it may take a bit of extra work for a gradient. Don't quote me on that though. I don't think I have used it in a gradient before.

  5. I also always struggled with art in HS....the highest grade I got on anything was a drawing I did of my own shoe! haha I do this this color combination the bright orange with navy really speaks to me.

    1. I'm glad it not just me that struggled with art. Mind you I can't dry to save myself. I think I got a pity pass lol

  6. Haha, I'm also so bad about colour theory. I actually thought you did a great job at picking constrasting colours until I read that they're complementary. Haha!
    Vicky xx

    1. Lol. I'm glad I'm not the only one who struggles with colour theory. To me it either works or it doesn't. Past that point there is not much thought that goes into these things.
