
Tuesday 11 October 2016

The Digit-al Dozen Does Vampy: Day Two Blood Drips

Welcome to day two of vampy nails for the Digit-al Dozen!  I mentioned yesterday that when I think of vampy nails I think of black and reds.  Now clue why really.  But then I thought Vampire (I had actually planned on doing a Vampire mani but that hasn't happened yet - maybe for Halloween?) which then turned into blood drips.  Blood drips always look so easy to do, yet I always manage to fail doing them.  Luckily for me I remembered that I have nail vinyls.  Huge win for me!  For polishes  I used Powder Perfect Vampire's Chalice and Pretty Serious Cosmetics Absence.

Picture taken in direct sunlight

Picture taken in light box

Picture taken outdoors in shade

As much as these Vampy manis scare me (trying to think of what to do not an actual fright) I am really enjoying the challenge that they are giving me.  Bring on Day Three!

Make sure you check out the other really talented ladies from The Digit-al Dozen.


  1. That sunlight pic is stunning, ohmygosh! I always find drips such a pain to paint, I really should try vinyls!!

    1. Thanks Katherine. The sunlight pic is easily my favorite too. You should give vinyls a try. I always have issues free handing the drips but the vinyls have worked out well for me this time :)

  2. These are so good and the red you chose was beautiful. I've wanted to do some blood drip nails too, I'm def picking up some vinyls.
    Vicky xx

    1. Thanks Vicky. The red is actually a polish I purchased last year and had never got around to wearing. Yay for using some untrieds! Definitely grab some vinyls. They make blood drips so much easier!

  3. Oh my I love your combo! I literally did something like this kinda reversed last night and have my ready for Thursday! Haha!!

  4. This is the epitome of "I have glitter in my veins!" :) Love it!

    1. Thanks Kristi. Nothing wrong with having glitter in your veins...and a dash of holo. Although I'm sure someone with a medical background may disagree lol

  5. Glitter blood drips? YES! love this so much!

  6. These turned out amazing!! That red polish is stunning!
