
Saturday 10 September 2016

31DC2016 Nail Art Challenge - Colours

It's that time of year again where I am crazy enough to attempt to do the 31 Day Nail Art Challenge.  But didn't you attempt to do the weekly version of this challenge and fail?  Why yes, yes I did.  No idea why I struggled so much with doing this challenge as a weekly version but it just wasn't working for me.  I've managed to do the daily version of the last couple of years so I figured why not try again?  So far the challenge has been extremely challenging so far as I have moved house and am still trying to unpack and settle in.  As I right this post, my polishes and all nail art things are still boxed up.  Hopefully tomorrow I can start unpacking them.  If not, there will be a slight pause in this challenge but I am determined to complete it.  So let's take a look back at what manis I have done so far?  I'll also link my blog post that I did last year for these same themes.  In that post is also pictures of the 2014 manis.







Black & White



If you are interested in seeing the manis I did for these themes in 2014 and 2015 you can find them here.

Are you joining in with this challenge?  If so, how are you going with it? 


  1. I'm loving your mani's so far. I'd never have the time to do a challenge like this in a single month. I'm sure I'd manage it weekly so I may try it next time.
    Loving that gradient and your rainbow mani's. Hope your unpacking goes well and I can't wait to see what else you come up with.
    Vicky xx

    1. Thanks Vicky. The weekly one is definitely more achievable than the daily one (says the girl who failed at the weekly one - maybe I should pick it back up after this month).

  2. I have loved all of them so far and I am doing this challenge also. So far I am able to keep up. It must be so hard with having to move house and all. You are brave. :0)

    1. Thank Christy. I'll have to go and stalk your IG page to check out what you have done so far. I've struggled keeping up with everyone doing this challenge but hopefully can play catch up soon.

      I definitely don't recommend doing this challenge and moving house at the same time. Although that being said I am pretty sure I have moved house each time I do this challenge. It's a very very thin line between brave and crazy I think lol
