
Friday 14 April 2017

The Digit-al Dozen: Get To Know Me: Day Five

Before I started this week I really had no clue what I was going to do.  Somewhere along the lines I managed to come up with five days worth of things that I think you guys may not know about me (or maybe I have done a terrible job and you haven't learnt anything new but hey there are some manis too look at).  Anyway, if you have come to this post after seeing this mani on one of my social media pages then I am sure you are very confused about why I have a bunch of question marks.  Well I am about to explain.

I am currently a stay at home mum to Miss Olivia but I am planning on going back to some form of work.  What exactly?  I have no clue.  I would like something that fits inside my daughters schooling hours so that I can continue to do school drop offs and pick ups and do all the after school homework and running out to all the sports things (Olivia is very active!).  In my perfect world, I would be paid money to just blog everyday.  Never going to happen but it would be nice.

Anyway, this mani I used Pretty Serious Cosmetics Absence and stamped using Mundo de Unas White Stamping Polish.  The stamping design is from Uberchic Beauty's Little Baby Stamping Plate.

As I am sitting here writing this post I had a message from one of my favourite people in the whole wide world - Damo.  He currently lives in London, but I pester him to move back here (please Damo?).  Anyway if it wasn't for Damo then I probably wouldn't be blogging today.  He was my tech support in the early days.  He is the best!


  1. I really enjoyed these posts and getting to know you more.

  2. I hope you find what works for you and something you are passionate about. :)
